New Development Maybe and Confirmed

Yes - Construction Commencing

28-September-2018  and site works have commenced. It appears they are to build a single home on the lot, maybe similar to that new one recently completed near the corner of McDonnell Road.


Seen on March 14th

There looks like there may be some development happening on the vacant lot at 33 Marine Parade. 

On March 14 2018 there was a team doing soil-sampling on the lot. 

Those of us living on the North side of Waves have been concerned with what development may happen with the row of older houses and the vacant lot along Marine Parade. 

Judging by the depth of the sampling undertaken, which was about 3 metres, the reckoning is that it may be for a house, and not an apartment block.  For a multi-level development, a deeper soil sampling would seem more appropriate.

We will watch and see what happens.... 

The Drilling Truck

Posted in News.