AGM 2019 for Owners

Owners Voting Papers Sent

By now you should have received an email and a printed copy of the meeting motions, and supporting documents.

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 22nd at 10:00am at 31 Portwood Street, Redcliffe.

If you cannot make it to the AGM, then please vote ahead of time by completing your voting paper and submitting it to Capitol.

Owners are encouraged to attend, though this is not necessary.

Committee Nominations Needed Now

Recently you should have received an AGM notice from our body corporate manager, Capitol.
We recommend that you do attend the AGM, as it is important to add your vote to critical decisions.

New Committee

The notice included a Committee Nomination form. Yes, you can nominate yourself.
At the time of the AGM, all positions will be declared as vacant, so we need nominations for all positions.
You may nominate for all positions;- Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and/or one of the Ordinary members.

It appears there may be some of the present committee who are not nominating again.

Being on the committee is a rewarding experience. Yes, it does require a few hours of your time each month, but you will find it worthwhile.
If in doubt, ask any current or previous committee person.

Still wondering if this is for you? There will be ample guidance provided to you if this is to be your first experience on our body corporate committee, so do not be apprehensive. C'mon, give it a go and get those forms lodged now. The closing date is Thursday, 31 May 2018.

Typical Meeting

Next Committee Meeting May 3rd

Tentative Date and Time

The next committee meeting is set for Wed 3rd of May at 6:30PM.

Location: Ground Floor Car Park (BYO Chair)

Owners are reminded that they may attend only in the capacity as observers.


Later Tentative Dates

Sunday, 2nd July, 2017  -  Owners Q&A related to 2017/2018 Budget. Time and Location TBA.

Wednesday, 5th July, 2017  -  Body Corporate Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 9th August, 2017  -  Body Corporate Annual General Meeting.  Time and Location TBA.




Next Committee Meeting

The next committee meeting is set for Wed 29th March at 6:30PM.

Location: Ground Floor Car Park (BYO Chair)

Owners are reminded that they may attend only in the capacity as observers.

Please RSVP by 9AM March 28th to the Secretary via email:      or by a note in the Strata mail box.

New Committee

Today Waves conducted a General Meeting to elect new committee.

Many thanks to our previous committee members for all their time and patience.

Congratulations to the in-coming committee.