Practicing Self-Isolation and Staying In

Whether we like it or not, we need to minimise all outside contact as much as possible.
I get the strong impression that most at Waves are staying in by choice. If any are staying in due to Govt. requirements, then I am not aware of that situation.
As most of us are in the more senior age group, we are told we are the most susceptible to any exposure to Corona virus.
So we should minimise contact, practice social distancing (1.5 metres or more), and practice increased hand washing etc.

Here are some suggestions to ease the pain of Staying In:

Subscribe to some Video Streaming services. Netflix, Stan, CuriosityStream, or just use the free YouTube.

Satisfy your thirst for knowledge anytime and anywhere with CuriosityStream.

Curiosity Stream has a  special  on at present and it is US$11.99 for a 12 month subscription. Sign up here to CuriosityStream

Another suggestion is get into a routine, and stick with it.  Plan meal times, skip snacking, exercise, rest up, catch up on house keeping duties.

Avoid spending too much time on FaceBook or Twitter or whatever.. There is a lot of false information spread on social media.

Keep in touch with family and friends by phone, skype or similar.

Try to not look at your finance positions with Superannuation or Shareholdings. There is no good news to be had there.


Some Training

Perhaps you want to add some skills, so look to UDEMY online Training for some on line training courses. They have some great stuff and often have special pricing. Mainly technical stuff, but a good range of subjects.