Several Owners have mentioned that they have had issues with shower doors within Waves. I know that we did in our unit.
I had three different tradesmen come and try fix our shower doors. The third time we got LUCKY
The problem was that the gap between the fixed glass panel, and the door edge began binding. that made a loud scraping noise when opening/closing the shower door.
Then it got so bad that the door would not close fully and water splashed out onto bathroom floor.
My take was that the shower door hinges had moved, and that caused the gap to close. This was also the conclusion reached by the first two tradesmen. They tried adjusting the door hinges, but that was only partially successful, and did not last long.
Third Time Lucky
The third tradesman called was quick to see the cause and the solution. I explained the efforts made by the previous two tradesmen and how that had not helped.
Number Three explained that the problem was that the fixed pane was the cause. It has slowly crept away from the wall and had closed the gap.
The fix was easy, and he refused to accept any payment for his attendance.
Below I share what needs doing and how to do it....

This shows the area after it has been fixed.
The fixed pane creeps away from the wall and closes the gap. Then it binds on the shower door pane.

It is best to remove the door before trying the step below. However, for your first try you may decide to skip this step.
Removing the door carefully does make the whole job simpler.
The silver plastic covers at the top and bottom hinges will simply click off with a small screwdriver.
Then you can use a bigger screwdriver to free the door pane, and carefully place it somewhere safe.

The plan is to move the fixed panel back toward the wall, by tapping it carefully whilst protecting the edge of the glass. You you not want to break it.
As mentioned above, it is easier with the door out of the way.
Use a soapy solution, or CRC or WD40, applied around the edge of the fixed panel. Be sure to lubricate both inside and outside the shower.
Next, use a sharp flat blade, such as from a Stanley box cutter or similar, to loosen the seal around the glass. The blade should be pushed into the joint between the glass and the plastic seal strip. Again, do inside the shower, and outside. This is done so the glass is able to be moved with the next step.
Use a piece of softwood, or several layers of towel to protect the glass edge. Then tap it lightly on its edge to have it slide back into its original place. Start with light taps. Use a rubber mallet if you have one, but still protect the glass edge.
This should result in resetting the gap to the shower door, and fixing the issue. I hope you can get the shower door back in place in one piece.
Disclaimer: This advise is given freely with no responsibility on the part of the writer.